When things get complex, the greatest asset is being able to keep track of it all.
We advise partnerships, corporations and their shareholders in all questions relating to corporate law, industrial group law, transformation law and corporate codetermination. If you have partnership agreements to be redrafted, corporate groups in need of restructuring or are preparing for a contentious shareholder meeting, rest assured that we will be at your side with expertise and hands-on experience. This also applies for questions about compliance and meeting the requirements set out in the transparency register.
We can attend general meetings and executive bodies of (listed) public limited companies, and can answer questions about capital market law and corporate governance configurations. We also take over process management in the event of corporate law disputes. For example, we will represent you in actions for avoidance and liability suits and in settlements with D&O insurance companies. We are regularly involved in conducting arbitration proceedings and are qualified to act as arbitrator in resolving disputes.
Helping clients to choose the right legal form, to restructure their companies and deal with severance scenarios is one of the main areas in which our multidisciplinary consulting service specializes, meaning that you will benefit from our integral approach.
Main areas
- National and international corporate groups
- Process management
- Family-owned businesses
- Medium-sized businesses
- Wealthy private individuals
- Entrepreneurial families
Dr. Sebastian Bednarz
Partner, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law -
Dr. Lars Bohlken
Partner, Attorney-at-Law, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Dr. Morten Dibbert
Partner*, Attorney-at-Law, Tax Advisor -
Dr. Thorsten Herms
Partner*, Attorney-at-Law -
Rüdiger Ludwig
Partner, attorney-at-law, certified specialist in commercial and corporate law -
Dr. Frauke Möhrle
Partner, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law -
Dr. Tobias Möhrle
Partner, attorney-at-law, tax advisor, certified tax lawyer -
Dr. Sven Oswald
Partner, attorney-at-law, advokat (Sverige) -
Thomas Rieck
Partner*, attorney-at-law, certified specialist in commercial and corporate law -
Dr. Frauke Schmidt
Partner*, attorney-at-law -
Dr. Patrick Zeising
Partner, attorney-at-law, certified specialist in employment law -
Dr. Sylvia Badenhop
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law -
Frederike Cohrs
Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Patrick Duckhorn
Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Hubertus Freiherr von der Recke
Attorney-at-Law, Of Counsel -
Marian Großmann
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Dr. Wilhelm Happ
Partner* until 2019, attorney-at-law -
Wiebke Holzapfel
Counsel, Attorney-at-Law, Master II Recherche Droit des affaires (Paris), Attorney-at-Law (New York), LL.M. (Wake Forest Univ.) -
Kristina-Marie Jänsch
Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Svenja Kossmann
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, Tax Advisor, LL.M. -
Steven Oliver
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law -
Selina Rosebrock
Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Nicolà Sommer
Associate, Attorney-at-Law, B.A. -
Sandra Wahl
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law, Certified Specialist in Commercial and Corporate Law -
Dr. Silke Warmer
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law -
Dr. Julia Wellhöfer
Senior Associate, Attorney-at-Law
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