Thanks to our in-depth knowledge and practical experience, we are ideally positioned to advise you in all areas relating to German and international taxation. With regular publications, we contribute to the ongoing development of tax legislation and liaise closely with both regional and national tax authorities. We have secured a number of key decisions by the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof) in recent decades.
Tax structuring
Our consulting work in this area begins with tax structuring and choosing a legal form. We provide you with ongoing advice and help you structure your tax returns. This covers the entire spectrum of tax declaration advice up to and including income tax. We will be there every step of the way to advise you on all tax, legal and corporate finance questions: from setting up and expanding companies to preparing business succession plans.
International taxation
We optimize tax structures for your cross-border business activities. We will help you choose a location and legal form for subsidiaries and permanent establishments. We are well versed in international tax regulations and have extensive experience helping our clients deploy their employees to work in other countries. We also specialize in inbound investments, avoiding double taxation and cross-border inheritance tax and gift tax.
Transfer prices
We structure transfer price systems that reflect your individual business model and defend these during audits by the tax authorities. If the national laws of other countries are involved, we can draw on our international network of independent auditing and consulting firms: the Crowe Global network.
Value-added tax
We advise you on German and international VAT questions relating to the transactions in your company and on structuring your supply and service chains. In doing so, we keep track of all dynamic changes and court decisions that are relevant for your company. We identify risks and pre-tax potential in VAT checks, provide hands-on assistance with declaration requirements in Germany and abroad, and conduct individual training courses for you.
Customs law, trade policy and export control
We advise companies on all questions relating to international trade. Through audit and quick check, we analyze your supply chains, identifying risks and pinpointing potential for optimization. Our aim is to create smooth processes – but if a dispute should arise, we will be at your side to help you settle it.
Taking into account global and trade policy aspects, we analyze where tax costs can be minimized. We also help you to apply for funding and benefits.
We will represent your interests during examinations by customs and supervisory authorities, helping to resolve conflicts if necessary. Our team has decades of experience in advising companies and in legal representation before the fiscal courts, the Federal Fiscal Court (Bundesfinanzhof) and the European Court of Justice.
Excise duty
Trading with goods that are subject to excise duty is complex, with different laws in each EU member state entailing extensive formalities. Together, we can overcome these challenges. We will help you to set up new supply chains and to optimize existing ones to avoid unwanted tax exposure. We will inform you about statutory funding opportunities and help you with applications and monitoring approvals. Ideally, we would be by your side as a precautionary measure and, in the event of disputes, can accompany you through the entire process.
Main areas
- Ongoing tax advisory service and tax returns
- Tax structuring
- Transaction tax law
- Tax compliance
- Tax litigation
- Taxation of non-profit organizations and foundations
- Succession planning and inheritance tax
- Property transfer tax
- Income tax law
- On-site consulting during audits, VAT special audits and VAT reviews
- Tax registration in Germany and abroad
- Individual in-house training
- Implementing and visualizing company processes and standard transactions
- Input tax refund procedure
Juliane Brack
Partner*, tax advisor, Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristinn -
Dr. Morten Dibbert
Partner*, attorney-at-law, tax advisor -
Dr. Katrin Dorn
Partner*, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kauffrau, certified advisor for for corporate succession DStV e.V. -
Dr. Uwe Eppler
Partner, attorney-at-law, tax advisor -
Simon Freitag
Associate Manager, tax advisor -
Annette Groschke
Partner*, tax advisor, certified advisor for international tax law, Dipl.-Kauffrau -
Martin Horstkötter
Partner, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Markus Kallenbach
Partner, tax advisor, LL.M., commercial lawyer -
Nicol Marschall
Partner, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Andreas Mau
Partner*, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Dr. Tobias Möhrle
Partner, attorney-at-law, tax advisor, certified tax lawyer -
Dr. Ulrich Möhrle
Partner, attorney-at-law, tax advisor, certified tax lawyer, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Tobias Müller
Partner, tax advisor, Dipl.-Finanzwirt (FH) -
Benjamin Muxfeldt
Partner, tax advisor, B.A. -
Mario Neugebauer
Partner, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann -
Marie Christin Rinke
Partner*, tax advisor, M.Sc. -
Jens Scharfenberg
Partner, attorney-at-law, German public auditor, tax advisor, certified tax lawyer, certified advisor in international tax law -
Marko Uhl
Partner*, attorney-at-law -
Hans-Hermann Völker
Partner*, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann, Dipl.-Finanzwirt -
Lucas Wessels
Partner*, tax advisor, certified advisor for international tax law -
Corinna Wöhl
Partner*, tax advisor, Dipl.-Wirtschaftsjuristin (FH) -
Jan-Hendrik Alpen
Associate Manager, LL.M., commercial lawyer -
Tatjana Angert
Senior Tax Expert, Tax advisor M.A. -
Nina Baller
Associate Manager, tax advisor -
Karina Barg
Associate Manager, B.A. -
Stephanie Beyer
Associate Manager, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kauffrau, Dipl.-Finanzwirtin (FH) -
Ümit Bolat
Associate Manager tax advisor, M.Sc. -
Sönke Busch
Senior Tax Expert, tax advisor, Dipl.-Finanzwirt (FH) -
Sabrina Deichsel
Associate Manager, tax advisor, M.Sc. -
Jonas Friedenberg
Manager, tax advisor, M.A., LL.B. -
Florian Fritz
Associate Manager tax advisor, M.Sc. -
Malte Funk
Associate Manager -
Doreen Gaszak
Manager, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kauffrau -
Carsten Grewenig
Manager, tax advisor -
Denise Harland
Associate Manager, tax advisor, LL.B. -
Vanessa Hauf
Manager, tax advisor, M.A. -
Barbara Heidtmann
Associate Manager, tax advisor, LL.B. -
Alexander Hermes
Senior Tax Expert, tax advisor, LL.B., M.Sc. -
Patricia Herms
Senior Associate, attorney-at-law, LL.M. (Taxation) -
Richard Isinger
Associate Manager, tax advisor B.A. -
Oliver John-Nolte
Associate Manager, tax advisor, M.A. -
Vanessa Kahlsdorf
Associate Manager, tax advisor -
Pauline Kammer
Associate Manager, tax advisor, Dipl.-Finanzwirtin (FH) -
Sebastian Kamp
Associate Manager, tax advisor, LL.M. -
Natalie Klindwordt
Associate Manager, tax advisor, B.A. -
Elisa Korte
Associate Manager, tax advisor, B.A. -
Svenja Kossmann
Senior Associate, attorney-at-law, tax advisor, LL.M. -
Jan Henrik Lampe
Associate Manager, tax advisor -
Anne Langeloh
Senior Manager, tax advisor -
Johannes Laumann
Associate Manager, tax advisor -
Conrad Ludwig
Associate Manager, tax advisor, DATEV-Specialist -
Tim Ludwig
Associate Manager, LL.B. -
Kevin Paz Navarro
Associate Manager, tax advisor, M.A. -
Eric Pickett
Associate, attorney-at-law, B.A. -
Mark Pukall
Associate manager, tax advisor, Diplom-Kaufmann -
Dagmar Rörup
Manager, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kauffrau -
Malte Sassenberg
Associate manager, tax advisor, certified advisor for crypto assets and taxes (Wire) -
Alexandra Schormann
Manager, tax advisor, B.Sc. -
Moritz Schwarz
Associate Manager, tax advisor, M.Sc -
Mandy Selonke
Senior Associate, attorney-at-law, certified tax lawyer -
Katharina Ulke
Associate manager, tax advisor -
Tim-Ole Wenzel
Associate manager, tax advisor, CEMS MIM, MSc., cand.merc., BSc. -
Len Wierwille
Associate Manager, tax advisor, M.I.Tax, Dipl.-Finanzwirt (StAk)
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