Erik Dumke

Partner*, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann

Erik Dumke

Partner*, German public auditor, tax advisor, Dipl.-Kaufmann


1997 - 2000 Deloitte, Hamburg
2000 - 2002 Revisions- und Treuhand KG, Kiel
since 2002 Tax consultant
since 2004 German public auditor
2002 - 2020 PKF Fasselt Schlage, Hamburg
since 2007 Partner at PKF Fasselt Schlage, Hamburg
2020 - 2023 Partner at Grant Thornton, Hamburg 
since 2023 Partner at Möhrle Happ Luther

Areas of specialization

Auditing and consulting of medium-sized groups of companies 
Audit of financial statements according to VermAnlG
Special audits required by law or company law
Financial due diligence
Internal audits
Industries: Construction, real estate, shipping




Chamber of Public Accountants
Hamburg Chamber of Tax Consultants
Institute of Chartered Accountants
Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft zu Kiel e.V.